Thursday, April 30, 2009

Day Three - Let the Tracking Begin

Day three started with a review of commands we have worked on already over the last two days and adding some new ones. The goal is that we will be in good enough command of the dogs that we can head out to a local mall for our first "public" appearance on Saturday afternoon. There is so much to learn and master. Mojo has been a willing participant (most of the time). He's just waiting for us to get it right before he'll listen.

The middle part of the day was our first tracking exercise. We were next to last to have our dog track the trainer and Sean (and Dad). Mom and Dad did a lot of running while other dogs tracked. Then it was Mojo's turn. He went directly to the trainer and Sean using air sniffing rather than a scent trail (left by skin cells dropped as we move). It is amazing to see these dogs work. The only bad part about the whole thing was that it poured the entire time.

We had lunch and then started two new commands today. "Come," which, along with track, is one of the ultimate commands that you have to have complete confidence between dog and handler at all times. The dog should drop everything else and follow that command, regardless of circumstances. On lead or off, it has to be obeyed, so the dog has to think it is one of the most fun things in the world to do. The dogs always get their most favorite treat in return for following the command. We also worked on the "under" command that we will give to Mojo when we go out for dinner. It causes him to duck under whatever table we are sitting at and stay there. It keeps him from getting stepped on by passers-by.

Today was a great day, but one that was bittersweet. As a part of our lead-up to training, we have become fast friends with the "Wisest Wonderful Women in the World." In the picture at the beginning of this entry are Lisa Beth ("Tink"), Denise, and Peg ("Lady Neener-Neener"). Today was our last day to see them together. Tink headed home to Arizona, Denise headed home to Kentucky (unless her hubby lets her come back for a day next week), and we lose Peg (back to Alaska) on Saturday. It was a blessing to have their companionship, support, and experience to help us figure all of this out. We also, happily/sadly saw Miss Becky head home. It was time for her to be at home with family, but to have her here to experience this with Sean and be able to carry what she learned back to the classroom with her is priceless. We thank her for her and the school district's willingness to be a part.

As always, a HUGE thank you to each and every one who has supported, cajoled, and otherwise been a part in this journey.

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